Sunday, September 5, 2010

I don't like easy.

Chances of becoming a Disney animator are very slim.

I will have to leave all of my friends and family behind.

Making Disney animated films may not be all it's cracked up to be.

I may be disappointed.

I may not even be any good at animation.

I will have to go to a different school for another 2-3 years.

It will cost a lot of money.

I will miss my family if i live in California.

I'll miss my friends.

I'll miss my animals.

I'll miss my house.

I'll miss my life here.

I'll miss my mom.

Is making my dreams come true worth all of this?


Some dreams may not turn out the way we want them to. Some dreams may be disappointing. SOME, not all. There is a difference.

What if this one dream turns out exactly the way I want it to? Sure, I could go through life and not take chances or chase my dreams. I would probably live a good life with all the people that I love and be perfectly happy. I could give up right now, but I would always regret it. I could get up to go to work everyday and, whether I actually liked my job or not, always be thinking in the back of my mind, 'I could be working for Walt Disney Animation Studios RIGHT NOW, if only I hadn't given up on my dreams so easily.' I don't want to have that thought in the back of my mind for the rest of my life.

It's easy to give up. It takes little to no effort. I don't like easy. Learning to write wasn't easy. Some people didn't think I could do it, or that it wouldn't be worth it. I learned to write as well as how to draw. Getting the strength to type fast wasn't easy. Now I type faster than some of my friends. Maintaining this positive attitude and keeping a smile on my face isn't always as easy as it seems. I do it anyway.
I don't like easy.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Still Not Enough A's, But That's About To Change.

Well it's been over 2 years since my "Too Many Q's, Not Enough A's" post, and I still have way more Q's than A's. However, I now have a very important individual on my side, whom I will call Mary. She is, by far, the BEST teacher I have ever had and ever will have. She's going to try her hardest to help me make more things go MY way for a change. For way too long now, things generally go my mom's way.

Every important decision in my life so far has basically went as follows:

"I want to do this with my life."
(*this* being the college i want to go to, the fact that I REALLY want to find out if i could drive, or wanting to be in the Disney College Program, so that I can take the first step to working for Disney as an animator or a graphic designer, SO FREAKIN' BAD IT HURTS!)

"Well, I don't really think you need all of that. You can do just fine with a degree from Ivy Tech Community College and get an ok job and live an ok life right here, where I can drive you around and take care of you for the rest of your life."


My mom means well. She is an amazing parent and friend. I don't know what I would ever do without her. She usually knows what's best for me, but I think she's wrong on this one. I don't regret going to Ivy Tech. If I hadn't, I never would have met these amazing people and that would have been a shame. However, this can't be all that I am meant to do. I didn't work my butt off through elementary, jr high, and high school to 'just' go to a community college and live a mediocre life.

I've got big dreams. Dreams of working in the Disney Design Group, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Pixar Animation Studios, or designing movie posters, covers, and advertisements. The chances of succeeding and achieving any of these dreams are slim, I know.

But somebody's got to make it out there, why can't it be me?

Sunday, August 15, 2010


When I was a teenager, I did some crazy stuff. I remember one time at this party that I...ummm....I..uuh...

Ok so I wasn't a party go-er. But I'm sure I lied and snuck out of my house to .....umm...ok that wasn't me either.

What did I do when I was a teenager? Oh yeah, I remember...

a whole lot of NOTHING.

I just sat back and watched everyone else be crazy and spontaneous, while I did everything my parents wanted (for the most part anyway). All of the big and most of the smaller decisions I have made in my life, were always made with my parents' involvement. My mom even got to pick what college I went to.

I have to do something crazy/spontaneous before it's too late. I only have a few weeks of my teen years left. That is why I must do something so rebellious..that it will make up for lost time. So here it is, ready?







Change my hair without parental approval or knowledge.

dun dun dun


wow. crazy, right?

Yeah, well it's bigger than it sounds. My hair will not be the only change, it will only be the start.

My whole life, I've felt like I have been living inside a small shell. My parents (mainly mom) are too afraid to let me out of it. Sometimes, I'm too afraid to let me out of it. It's time for a change. It's time for me to make some decisions on my own. It time for me to do some things that I have always wanted to do, but never had the courage to.

Right now, my life is neither good nor bad. It's just there...passing me by way too fast. I've just been sitting back and waiting for something to happen...but what? What have I been waiting for all this time? Whatever it is, it hasn't happened. I don't think it's going to either, not if I just stay in this room, this shell, this safe place where nothing bad will happen, because nothing is happening at all. And nothing will happen, if I don't MAKE it happen.

"We must become the change we want to see."

Mahatma Ghandhi

Saturday, May 22, 2010

I Thought Imaginations Were Supposed to be a Good Thing?

Yes, I know. So it's been a while. I have to get this out though or else I'll end up being one of those crazy old ladies with 20 cats and talks to herself. Oh wait, that's actually pretty accurate except for the part about being old. 19 isn't old. Holy crap, I'm almost twenty. umm....yeah, not the topic I was going for.

Moving on....

So let me begin this by explaining how I started thinking about how crazy I might be. Well, maybe not CrAzY..just a little...romantically challenged.

Tonight, I watched a movie called Everything You Want. It's about a girl who has had an imaginary boyfriend since she was five. She is now in college, still pretend dating the same guy, when she meets another REAL guy who she kind of likes but tells him she has a boyfriend.

During a majority of this movie, I couldn't believe that she had went that long just imagining having this perfect boyfriend. I mean, they talked about everything, went to movies, made snow angels, and she would paint and draw him constantly.

And then I thought about it. I'm kind of like her....

I didn't dream up an imaginary boyfriend, but I do sometimes imagine dating guys that I know or have just met. I'm not just talking about fantasizing or dreaming or thinking about it. It's more like...I act it out. Not in public though, just when I'm alone. I take the people that I know and come up with some sort of situation or "scene" and actually sorta act it out. Sometimes I imagine doing things that I can't do, like dancing or playing the guitar.

A lot of these situations or scenes, though, involve a boyfriend. I think it's because I don't really know what it feels like to have a REAL boyfriend. So when I like someone, or -think- I like someone, I act like they are mine. Sometimes, I think I imagine things so much that I desperately want it to be real even if it can't or shouldn't happen.

This is what I think happened with Kalel. You've seen those fairytale-like romantic comedies where the guy and girl have known each other their whole lives and in the end fall in love. I always wanted that to happen to me. Kalel was the closest thing I would ever have to that. I just -thought- that we belonged together and that it would happen someday. So I imagined it. I acted it out. I did it so much, I started to really believe it.

I don't really like him that way. I never did. I just fell in love with an imaginary boyfriend.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Once the Friendgirl, Always the Friendgirl..

I did it. I asked Chase to the prom. However, I didn't tell him why it took me so long to ask. He still has no idea that I actually like Kalel. By "actually" I mean, he has always had a feeling. I have known Kalel and his whole family practically my whole life. Chase would always tease me about liking Kalel and about Kalel liking me. My reaction was always something like, "NO I DON'T!! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?? HE IS JUST MY FRIEND!!!!" as I chased him around the room threatening to run him over. But really, in my head it was more like, "YES I KNOW DON'T RUB IT IN!! HE'S RIGHT THERE SHUT UP! i hope kalel didn't see through that little display...." Kalel's reaction was usually just that he ignored it. He would just sit or lay there looking as if he couldn't care less what his nephew was blurting out to me. At least that is what I thought his reaction was like. Now that I think about it, however, maybe while he was looking like he didn't care, he was really thinking Why does she always do this? Would it be that horrible to like me?

If only I would have thought about that back then...Not that he really thought that, but if he did...I feel like a complete idiot. I really have liked him all this time. I was denial I guess. I didn't think he liked me back and I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I was scared. So, I kept my mouth shut and denied everything anyone said about me liking him. I can't help but wonder what would have happened if once, just once, I decided not to go crazy and threaten to run people over. Unfortunately, I can't change the past. I'm too late. I'm always too late.

or maybe not...maybe I am not too late because he never liked me like that to begin with. Maybe it was just me. It's always just me. I am always just the friendgirl...

Oh I have lots of great qualities though!
I am "one of the best girls he'd ever have the chance to date" because I am "reliable and honest and actually care," as he told my friend o. However, he doesn't like me like that, he just wishes he would. Talk about driving a person INSANE! So basically, he knows that I am awesome and wishes that he liked me like that, but he doesn't. That is CRAP and very depressing....

Why does this ALWAYS happen to me??!! Please explain! I understand that this happens to everyone, but this is becoming a ritual! I have liked about 5 different guys in the past 7 years and they ALL just wanted to stay friends. What is it about me that screams "DON'T DATE ME! I WILL BE TOTALLY COOL WITH JUST BEING FRIENDS FOREVER!", huh? I really don't get it. What do all of these other girls have that I don't?? What do I have to do to get him to think of me as something more? Why should I have to GET someone to like me, anyway?

I know, I know...I am a great person the way I am, right? These guys are stupid for not wanting me as anything more than a friend. I will find someone, someday who will realize how amazing I am. I get it. I just have to wait. and wait....and wait..........

I am getting impatient. You have no idea. I don't want to have to wait anymore...


Friday, January 30, 2009

Is This A Big Deal, Or Am I Just Making It One?

My drama never seems like a big deal to the rest of the world. I am honestly not used to having MY OWN drama. It is always someone else's. So, when I do have drama/stress of my own, it is a big deal to ME but not to OTHERS.

Anyway, on to my not-a-very-big-deal-to-everyone-else drama.

First of all, let me recap and explain my last blog. I thought that I had finally gotten over Kalel. I told myself that I was done, and then...I just was. It was stange, but I was proud of myself. I finally did it. I got over him!

or not...

Suddenly, he was found holding some other girl's hand and it made me feel very...not over him. Great...That is just what I needed...Also, he is being very secretive about her. Are they just friends? or more? Who the heck is she? What is her name? All I know about her is what school she goes to, she has red steaks in her hair and he is going to prom with her.

Now, Prom is my other part of the drama/major stress.

You see, I am not the Prom type to begin with. I have never been before, but it is my senior year and I am told that I have to. I am ok with that now. Originally, however, I was going to ask Kalel. But as you can already guess...I was too late. again. I am always too late. For everything. Late for school, any other event, boys, deadlines, everything. I think I get it from Mom.

Speaking of Mom...

For the past month, she has been talking almost non-stop about Prom. She is helping to plan our Post-Prom and she has been trying to find me a date for Prom. The problem with that is, the only guy she could think of besides Kalel was Chase. Chase is a freshman...and Kalel's nephew. Is it just me or is that just a little WEIRD! Now, I thought I could just find someone else and not have to worry about it. Until Chase's mom asked my mom if I would be interested in going to Prom with him. I was already kinda weirded out, but willing to accept it. Then, Mom mentioned a double Prom date thing with Kalel and his mystery girl. WEIRDER! I don't like it. At all.

Now, for about a week I have been avoiding the whole Prom subject with Mom and Chase. I am failing miserably.

Mom won't leave me alone about it. She doesn't understand why I won't ask Chase. I tell my mom nearly everything, but not anything about boys. She doesn't know that I like Kalel. She doesn't understand how awkward it would be for me to "double date" with him. For some reason, I just can not tell her. When she asks me what is going on, all I can do is smile and laugh. I guess it's a nervous, embarassed habit? I don't know...but it's weird.

Also, I kept seeing Chase and not knowing what to say. I could tell he wanted me to ask him, but I just couldn't. If I ask him now, I will feel stupid and he will wonder or ask why I didn't ask the last two times we talked. What do I say? Do I tell him that I like his uncle? Do I leave that out and hope he doesn't ask?

Maybe I am making too big of a deal about this. I should either tell Mom or Chase. Chase might understand. He could actually help me in a way. He could tell me who mystery girl is and maybe distract me from them at Prom. That might work. But how do I know if he will agree to and understand it? I guess I have to take a risk. I am not good at risks...


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Here We Go Again.

I tried. I really did. I promise.

For a while, it worked.

I was over him.

I swear I was.

No, really.

I was.

Until it all went in reverse.

Everything unraveled.

I feel like I did when this whole mess first started.

Happy when I see him,

Confused and heartbroken when I don't.

What do I do?

If I decide that I am done with him again,

Will this just happen once again?

Over and over.

Never ending.

When will it stop?

Will it ever?

Every time he has a girlfriend

Or likes someone else,

Won't it just unravel all over again?

I need to get over him,

But I don't remember how.

I don't want to be over him.

Good thing I'm not.

I guess.

Or else I wouldn't have this great feeling inside.

The one that always puts a smile on my face,

When I dream about how much I wish he was mine.

It would be a perfect fairytale.

But then I wake up.


Back to reality.

It's not true.

It may never be.

Why do dreams have to end?

False hope.

What is the point of all this?

I was done.


I can't remember.


I'm done.


If only it was that simple.
