Sunday, August 15, 2010


When I was a teenager, I did some crazy stuff. I remember one time at this party that I...ummm....I..uuh...

Ok so I wasn't a party go-er. But I'm sure I lied and snuck out of my house to .....umm...ok that wasn't me either.

What did I do when I was a teenager? Oh yeah, I remember...

a whole lot of NOTHING.

I just sat back and watched everyone else be crazy and spontaneous, while I did everything my parents wanted (for the most part anyway). All of the big and most of the smaller decisions I have made in my life, were always made with my parents' involvement. My mom even got to pick what college I went to.

I have to do something crazy/spontaneous before it's too late. I only have a few weeks of my teen years left. That is why I must do something so rebellious..that it will make up for lost time. So here it is, ready?







Change my hair without parental approval or knowledge.

dun dun dun


wow. crazy, right?

Yeah, well it's bigger than it sounds. My hair will not be the only change, it will only be the start.

My whole life, I've felt like I have been living inside a small shell. My parents (mainly mom) are too afraid to let me out of it. Sometimes, I'm too afraid to let me out of it. It's time for a change. It's time for me to make some decisions on my own. It time for me to do some things that I have always wanted to do, but never had the courage to.

Right now, my life is neither good nor bad. It's just there...passing me by way too fast. I've just been sitting back and waiting for something to happen...but what? What have I been waiting for all this time? Whatever it is, it hasn't happened. I don't think it's going to either, not if I just stay in this room, this shell, this safe place where nothing bad will happen, because nothing is happening at all. And nothing will happen, if I don't MAKE it happen.

"We must become the change we want to see."

Mahatma Ghandhi

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